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Unlimited Action Links
Non-enterprise actions and integrations
1 admin user
'Powered by Action Links' badge
For when you're ready to go live
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All Starter features, and:
Unlimited Action Links
Custom CSS styling
Unlimited admin users
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Custom domain
For exclusive integrations and extra support
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All Plus features, and:
Enterprise actions and integrations (including Tessitura)
Additional support and consultancy
Enterprise (annual)
Lock in the discounted price for a year with an annual subscription
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All this included:
All actions and integrations
1 hour free consultancy each month (then £100/hr)
Unlimited admin users
Custom domain
Lock in the discounted price
Enterprise (monthly)
Pay monthly and cancel anytime with a monthly subscription
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All this included:
All actions and integrations
1 hour free consultancy each month (then £100/hr)
Unlimited admin users
Custom domain
Cancel anytime

Got questions?

Privacy & Security

Are Action Links GDPR compliant?
Yes, Action Links are GDPR compliant. We don't store any of the data that is processed by your Action Links where customer data is likely to be involved. As such, we have the role of a a 'Data Processor' under GDPR but not a 'Data Controller'. Action Links servers that may handle your customers' data are all based within EU member states.
How does Action Links keep its integrations secure?
To facilitate the integrations between Action Links and your back-end systems (e.g. Tessitura, Airtable) you may be required to provide an API key or token. We have a complex method of encryption (we encrypt keys multiple times, and also encrypt the keys we use to encrypt them!) to ensure that any keys we store cannot be read, even if one of our databases is compromised. We also never expose your keys to the front-end of your Action Links unless they're specifically designed to be (e.g. in the case of Algolia 'search-only' API keys).

Billing & Pricing

How is Action Links billed?
You can choose between monthly and annual billing (annual billing is approximately 30% less than monthly). If you choose monthly billing, we'll charge your credit card (or other chosen payment method) each month from the date you subscribe; if you choose annual billing we'll charge you annually from the date you subscribe. To avoid inadvertently losing access to your Action Links, your subscription will auto-renew each year unless you cancel it (with 30 days notice).

While Action Links is in its Beta phase, the prices have been discounted by 50%.
What if I want to cancel?
During the Beta phase of Action Links, you can cancel at any time with 30 days notice (if you're on an annual subscription we'll refund the remaining months). To cancel, just drop us an email at When Action Links is no longer in Beta, you'll continue to be able to cancel monthly-billed subscriptions, but yearly subscriptions will be contracted on a 12 month rolling basis.

We'll give you a heads up of at least 1 month before the Beta phase ends, during which you can cancel your subscription on the existing terms. If you don't cancel before the end of the Beta phase, you will be automatically transferred to the new contract. If you choose to not renew, you will lose access to your account until you resubscribe (we'll keep your Links and integration data for 3 months).


Is Action Links available everywhere?
Action Links is available everywhere, but we currently have infrastructure provisions in the UK and North America. Although Action Links uses a serverless architecture, it integrates with various systems that are hosted in specific territories (e.g. Tessitura). To reduce the latency of requests made between Action Links and these systems, we currently use servers based in the UK (to serve our UK clients) and USA (to serve our North American and Pacific clients). Configuration data is stored in servers in the UK.
Can I customise the appearance of my Action Links?
Yes! You can customise every aspect of the look and feel by adding your own CSS – we've also specifically designed the markup of Action Links to make it easier for you to override the default styling with your own styles. We can also customise the styling for you (with CSS) as part of your monthly consultancy allowance, or if you use all your allowance you can purchase additional consultancy time for £100/hour.

Content areas support the use of markdown as well as HTML and JavaScript, enabling you to create complex and sophisticated interfaces beyond the core interfaces provided by Action Links.
Can I get help with my Action Links?
If you have any questions, drop us an email at and we'll try our best to help.

We also offer a consultancy service for customers who require more technical help configuring or styling their Action Links, or who want to discuss the strategy for their Links. The Enterprise plan includes 1 hour of free consultancy each month (note that unused consultancy time must be booked within the month, it will not roll over to the next month and be accrued across the year), and additional hours can be purchased for £100/hour. For more details about how we can help, get in touch at!

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